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Zippo FlameScapes™

Consumer Products

Spiral tabletop flame adds ambience and aesthetics to outdoor living

Zippo FlameScapes outdoor tabletop fire feature with innovative spiral flame

Leveraging a brand’s legacy to ignite innovation

Zippo, famous for its iconic windproof lighters, strives for innovation while upholding its brand legacy of reliability, craftsmanship, and ingenuity. They collaborated with Nottingham Spirk to develop a new product that would cater to the evolving needs and preferences of consumers—an outdoor tabletop fire using gel fuel.

The result is the FlameScapes™ Spiral Fire Feature XL. The sleek design produces an elegant spiral flame contained in a glass chimney that instantly elevates any outdoor space with the perfect blend of ambiance and aesthetics. Constructed with weather-resistant glass and metal, this fire feature is built to withstand the elements. The gel fuel ignites quickly, burns cleanly, and produces a mesmerizing gold flame for up to two hours.

The FlameScapes base and glass chimney
The chimney door opens for easy access
The Zippo Flamescapes uses gel fuel
The Zippo Flamescapes outdoor fire feature aligns with consumer trends

Consumer research and testing revealed that safety was a top concern, so our product innovation team added a weighted base for stability and a snuffer to extinguish the flame quickly and safely. The chimney includes a hinged door for convenient fuel access without touching any hot surfaces. These features make FlameScapes™ secure and effortless to use.

Zippo FlameScapes includes a metal snuffer for safety
The NS and Zippo teams designed a flame with spiral movement

Sculpting a flame

The primary challenge confronted by the team revolved around engineering the dynamic spiral movement of the flame. This task demanded an iterative approach, with numerous concepts undergoing prototyping and rigorous testing. Ultimately, the solution was finalized in the form of two offset halves, meticulously designed to optimize flame height and upward spiral motion.

Additionally, this configuration facilitated the addition of a door in the chimney, allowing for safe and hassle-free replacement and lighting of the fuel, without risk of contact with hot surfaces.

Recognizing the importance of user safety, particularly in extinguishing the flame, a metal snuffer was ingeniously integrated into the base. The metal base was weighted to give it extra stability and prevent accidental tipping. These innovations effectively addressed the safety concerns and pain points identified during consumer research.

The Zippo and NS innovation teams crafted a product that perfectly aligns with the growing consumer trend towards outdoor living by seamlessly combining consumer insights, industrial design, and engineering. The FlameScapes™ Spiral Fire Feature XL stands out with its distinctive blend of style and functionality, promising to enhance outdoor experiences for many years ahead.

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