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Consumer Product


An electric toothbrush at a price point similar to a manual toothbrush.

The Spinbrush electric toothbrush rose to prominence so quickly that it’s easy to forget that all electric toothbrushes used to cost more than $50 and accounted for only a tiny fraction of the market. As the cost of manual toothbrushes approached the $5 retail price point, we were convinced that if we could design an electric toothbrush at a manual price, it would be a runaway hit.

Launching a start-up company around the product, we sold 10 million Spinbrushes in the first year, instantly tripling the electric toothbrush market. Procter & Gamble then acquired the invention for its Crest brand and sales exploded, generating billions of dollars in sales for a new major consumer market.

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The need for a low-cost electric toothbrush.

"Five dollars was the magic price point,” John Spirk recounted for Smart Business. “Now it could have been $10 but we tested sales at $10, and they dropped like a rock after that. It still would’ve been successful but it would never have been the super product that it was.

“We had to manufacture it for $1.25 — batteries, motors, gearboxes, housings, packaging, shipping, displays. That was a challenge, but we knew it had to be $1.25 because we wanted a 50 percent margin. You’ve got to do that. You can go into a store and say, ‘This is a great product but you have to get a certain percent markup.’ It doesn’t work that way, so you have to have your numbers right."

The Spinbrush became the #1 selling electric toothbrush with hundreds of millions of units sold.

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The growth of the electric toothbrush market

“We made power toothbrushes affordable for the country,” Spirk says. “Before we developed the Spinbrush, power toothbrushes were $50 to $100 retail. So we challenged our engineers and designers to come up with a product that would deliver on the performance and still be inexpensive from a manufacturing standpoint.”

Before the Spinbrush was launched, power toothbrushes accounted for 1 percent of the market. Now, they make up around 40 percent, with new entrants to the market, and accompanying accessories, popping up all over the world. 


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