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Mighty Waves Energy™

Commercial / Industrial

Innovative floating offshore technology platforms offer scalable and flexible solutions for wind energy generation

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Our floating offshore platforms

The offshore wind energy sector is witnessing remarkable expansion, driven by a global focus on clean, renewable energy sources. In alignment with the United States’ ambitious targets, which aim to deploy 30 gigawatts (GW) of offshore wind by 2030 and 15 GW of ‘floating’ offshore wind by 2035, the industry is poised for significant growth. Leading this charge is Mighty Waves Energy™, a technology platform provider specializing in patented floating offshore wind solutions.

Mighty Waves Energy™ has developed and validated two hybrid semi-submersible offshore floating wind platforms that can support 50kW to +10MW wind turbines for deployment in state, federal or international water depths of 20 to +2,000 meters at commercial scale with an effective LCOE. These platforms can host tracking hardware, UUAV docking, hydrogen production, and include segmented compartments for data centers, sensor suites, and other mission requirements.

As Might Wave Energy’s design and commercialization partner, Nottingham Spirk provided a comprehensive array of services. These included insights in market research, competitive analysis, intellectual property, product design, prototyping, manufacturing, technology licensing, as well as the formulation of an offshore wind strategic plan and roadmap.

Mighty Waves Energy is progressing toward scaled commercial introduction. MVP is ready for production through an identified supply chain.

Currently establishing developer partners to further demonstrate the technology at commercial scale for an open-sea project through license or partnership. Target deployment in open water within 24 months.

Mighty Waves’ 1/30 scale prototype undergoes testing at the Carderock Division NSWC (Naval Surface Warfare Center), Bethseda, Md.

Currently establishing developer partners to further demonstrate the technology at commercial scale for an open-sea project through license or partnership. Target deployment in open water within 24 months.

Mighty Waves Energy developed two significantly different floating platforms: the Cheyenne, which is focused on commercial scale renewable energy generation, and the Acadia, which is nimble and transportable for specialized payloads. While these platforms differ in size, they share crossover innovative features and functionality for flexible deployment.


The Cheyenne

Innovative, Proven Technology for Renewable Energy

Mighty Waves Energy's Cheyenne is an offshore, floating wind platform that stands out for its innovative design and advanced functionality. This patented platform introduces a flexible, modular architecture that is scalable without requiring specialized deployment equipment. The hybrid design features minimized weight and footprint with large airtight compartments for payloads and hosting mission requirements.


  • Deployable in 30m to +2,000m Water Depths
  • Scalable from 50 kW to 10 MW+
  • Towable to Deploy and Retrieve
  • Power Generation Options
  • Protected Space for Payloads
  • System Integration
  • Integrates with Operational Systems

Wave Tank Testing Validates the Technology

In March 2023, a significant wave tank test took place at the Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock Division (NSWCCD), involving a 1/30th scale model of a 5 MW floating platform. The objective of this test was to evaluate the performance of the model under extreme 50-year storm conditions in California's Humbolt Bay. The test validated the platform’s structural integrity and resilience against powerful waves, ensuring the full-scale structure can withstand challenging maritime environments while meeting industry standards for safety and reliability.

No Special Equipment
Quayside depth >7m

Quayside depth required >7m. Final assembly via simple cranes. Platform is complete leaving quay via tugboat.

1–10 MW+

Optimized to 10MW+ with abilty to scale down for PPA (power purchase agreement) transmission options.

Modular Construction
Flat mill steel

Mild steel readily available globally at tier 3 yards. Sectional design allows transport by rail car, and local supply chain availability.

Global Adaptability
30m to 2,000m+ depth

Flexible platform for varying water depths (30m–1500m) and sea floor conditions.

Footprint & Weight

Hybrid design reduces overall size and weight of platform.

$50–$85 /MWhr

Competitive LCOE (levelized cost of electricity) through CapEx (capital expenditures) cost share. Further benefit available from IRA and other Federal subsidies.

Protected space

Large airtight compartments for payloads and hosting mission requirements. Design functions beyond buoyancy.

Mighty Waves Energy's Acadia, a transportable offshore wind energy platform

The Acadia

Nimble and Transportable Floating Platform

Mighty Waves Energy’s Acadia is an offshore, floating wind platform that stands out for its innovative design and advanced functionality. This platform introduces a flexible, modular architecture that is scalable without requiring specialized deployment equipment. The hybrid design features a minimized footprint and weight with large airtight compartments for payloads and hosting mission requirements.


  • 20-meter length; 14-meter width
  • Scalable from 50–100 kW 
  • Towable to Deploy and Retrieve
  • Power Generation Options
  • Protected Space for Payloads
  • System Integration
  • Integrates with Operational Systems

Mission Assessment

The Acadia Platform offers customers the flexibility and resilience to monitor and secure coastal locations around the world. Acadia is a sustainable system with unmatched mission flexibility and applications. The Acadia technology and solution is scalable for increased energy production and for additional sensors and communications capabilities.

Get involved

To learn more about this opportunity, contact Joel Hessels at Mighty Waves Energy:


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