A Cut Above - Nottingham Spirk and Infusion Brands Tame the Unruly Reciprocating Saw
For versatility and portability, no power saw can compare to the reciprocating saw. Held like a shotgun, the reciprocating saw is the go-to tool for a variety of cuts that can’t be made on a workbench. The trade-off, however, is that the reciprocating saw is a bear to handle. The high-speed, back-and-forth blade motion that gives the saw its name also produces a lot of vibration and kickback, making precise cuts difficult at best. In inexperienced hands, it can be downright dangerous. So when Infusion Brands sought Nottingham Spirk’s help...Read more
A Loss in the NS Family: Craig Saunders Amid the successes of the past year, Nottingham Spirk also suffered a terrible loss with the death of vice president Craig Saunders in April of 2013...Read more |
Vertical Innovation® is the alignment of resources and culture. Resources include the facilities and tools that our associates need to shepherd ideas rapidly...Read more |
Successful Partnerships get Innovations to Market
AdvertisingAge recently asked Nancy Hill, president of the American Association of Advertising Agencies, for her thoughts on improving agency-client relationships. Among her suggestions is for everyone involved to be smarter about “the mating (dating) ritual” of selection...Read more
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