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A Cut Above - Nottingham Spirk and Infusion Brands Tame the Unruly Reciprocating Saw

For versatility and portability, no power saw can compare to the reciprocating saw. Held like a shotgun, the reciprocating saw is the go-to tool for a variety of cuts that can’t be made on a workbench. The trade-off, however, is that the reciprocating saw is a bear to handle. The high-speed, back-and-forth blade motion that gives the saw its name also produces a lot of vibration and kickback, making precise cuts difficult at best. In inexperienced hands, it can be downright dangerous. So when Infusion Brands sought Nottingham Spirk’s help...Read more

A Loss in the NS Family: Craig Saunders

Amid the successes of the past year, Nottingham Spirk also suffered a terrible loss with the death of vice president Craig Saunders in April of 2013...Read more

Vertical Innovation®

Vertical Innovation® is the alignment of resources and culture. Resources include the facilities and tools that our associates need to shepherd ideas rapidly...Read more

Successful Partnerships get Innovations to Market 

AdvertisingAge recently asked Nancy Hill, president of the American Association of Advertising Agencies, for her thoughts on improving agency-client relationships. Among her suggestions is for everyone involved to be smarter about “the mating (dating) ritual” of selection...Read more

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Taming the Unruly Reciprocating Saw
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